A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
I wanted to share with all of you here an improved spin-off (sort of) on the old Dipsey diver called a Slide Diver. They've been around a few years and are IMHO the cats meow. <br />Developed locally here in Sheboygan, WI by Fisherman... specifically a charter team out of the Sheboygan Harbor.<br /><br />I've been using them for nearly 6yrs and they've proven themself time and time again and I wouldn't think of going back to the old Luhr Jensen product (unless I was desperate :) ). <br /><br />They lessen used nots (weak links) by two since Original Dipseys get tied directly to the line while the line passes freely through the Slide diver connecting to a snubber or the swivel of your leed.<br /><br />This inturn eliminates the hassles of retying for longer lead lengths, landing fish with leads longer than 8'-10' and storage hassles too (no more wrapping your leed down around your reel and bringing your bait or snap swivel back up to an eye when done fishing). <br /><br />Plus I feel the Slide Diver is a less obtrusive piece of hardware compared to the Dipsey in fighting fish too. <br /><br />pics:<br />
<br /><br />These show a Slide Diver rigged on one of my 'Dipsey' rods. Notice that it takes no effort (time) at all to lengthen or shorten the lead length. Use with or w/o snubbers and/or flashers.<br />
<br /><br />A very good product for trolling since we've been talking about it recently here.<br /><br />take care -barlow-


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

You got that right, Barlow! We've been using Slide Divers for several years now and I might as well just throw my old Dipsy Divers away! Great product and I love being able to set my leader to whatever length I want. Nothin' quite like the sound of that reel when a big steelhead takes a rip at your diver rod!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

Interesting. How much weight will they drag and at what speeds?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

I've pulled trolling spoons and also Fish Catchers (Hoochie Mamas) and flies, and have probably pulled them as fast as 4 mph without any problems. I've also heard J-plugs work fine behind them. They pretty much work just like a Dipsy but better because there are less knots and you can snap them down to make your leader as long as you want without having to walk way to the bow to get the fish close enough for someone to net the fish at the stern! I do see that Barlow added one of those soft plastic bumper rings to his, unless they come with those now? Unless they add to the diving performance, I see no other function of those things (at least on a Dipsy) other than to annoy me when they keep coming off!


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

and what depth? <br />oh no, now i need more stuff... :p


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

Don't worry, they're not that expensive! I'm not exactly sure how deep they go down, but we usually add 2-4 Slide Diver rods to our spread when salmon trolling. We'll put one on each side, set on 3 or 3 1/2 (they have the right and left settings just like a Dipsy) and one at each rear corner of the boat set on 1. Line counter reels work well and we'll usually put them back anywhere from 150 to 200 feet from the rod tip. I usually run spoons 8 - 30 feet back from the Slide Diver, and Dodger/fly or Fish Catcher/fly combos 5 - 10 feet back (length of the "leader" from the Slide Diver). I'm sure there are other "right" ways to do it, but this seems to work. I'm sure depth depends on many factors, including what you are using for a lure, boat speed and line type/diameter. I've heard of many guys using braids, but I've always just stuck with 25 or 30 lb mono.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

farginicehole2- ZZZZZZZZ--ZZZZZZZZ-zzzzzzzzzzzzz ...... "FISH ON!!" :D <br /><br />Depth rings on the Slide Diver are rigid and functional .. I use 'em. The Luhr Jensen rings got tossed at first touch by me.. you know... sub-standard faucet washers.<br /><br />Dingbat - you can drag all the weight you want - with-in reason of course. Obviously draggin' 8-10lb. downrigger balls behind 'em is a bit rediculous :) . As the Luhr Jensen product has a tension adjustment screw so does the Slide Diver and If you don't tune in your release tension you'll have as much difficulty 'tripping' the release from the boat to retrieve the rig as you would the Luhr Jensen product... as most of you know that are familiar with Dipsey's ... it's better to adjust your tension lower to higher than it is to go the opposite way :D ;) - (that fight is harder and better than most coho and small kings!)<br /><br />I guess to make a long story short dingbat I've had fish 8-10lbs hit and not trip 'em cause I didn't adjust 'em right. It'll take a little foolin' around (as do Dipsey's) to tune them in as to how the fish are 'hitting' the baits you're running. <br /><br />I've Run speeds up to 3+ but am usually in the 1.5 - 2.6 gps range .. depends on the fish and the presentation.<br /><br />MY - sorry man .. I've got the same sickness .. seems that the only cure for me has been more stuff (my test results aren't back yet tho :D ).<br />They're the same cost as Dipsey's in my area @ $12.00 +/- ea.<br />I'll look around for the chart and get back to you on the depth question 'cause I don't want to guess at exacts but, safe to assume similar results as the Dipsey in the mean time.<br /><br />-barlow-


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

Thanks for all the information this things may be feasible for my application.<br /> <br />I typically run a 4 oz. bucktail trimmed with a 9" sassy shad run in tandem with a 6 oz. bucktail with a 12" shad so there would be a lot of resistance on the diver. From what you say I don't think speed would be a factor as I'd only being running somewhere between 3-4 mph GPS.<br /><br /> I guess the only other question that comes to mind is how big of the leader will they accommodate? I typically run 60-80 lb. leaders.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

well, from my experience and how I rigged my last big fishing boat ('79 28' Carver Santa Cruz):<br /> 4 down riggers<br /> 4 'dipsey' rods (slide divers)<br /> big side planer boards with 3 lines per side <br /> 1 'high line' straight back <br />---------------------------------<br /> = 15 rods/lines<br /><br />What my aproach is - to keep the heavy hardware (if any) on the downriggers such as large attractors/dodgers and combinations ... the downriggers are much more capable and flexable with handling this via ball weight.<br /><br />Again ,If any, I use lighter hardware/smaller flashers on the Slide Divers ... this seems to work best, personally. Its been my understanding/experience that the addition of heavier harware such as full sized dodgers will impede the side or outward planing abilities.<br /><br />As for leaders - IMHO I don't think it will affect it much but I may be incorrect .. I've never used that heavy of a leader with them. If you're talking a 12" or so milti-strand wire leader .. I dont feel it'll have that much affect but, I could be wrong... never used one with them. So you'll have to experiment. I'm assuming here that you're after toothy critters such as Musky, Northern, Barracuda .. ?? no idea here.<br /><br />I use 20lb Ande premium mono. (that pinkish stuff) both on my reels and for leads. Mind you this is for Browns, Kings, Bows, Cohos and oil cans (Lake Trout). Works great for my application(s).


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

Dingbat,<br /><br />How long of a leader do you use? I slide my main line through the Slide Diver, then tie on a ball bearing barrel swivel. Then tie a 4 or 5 foot (or whatever you want) leader to this, with another ball bearing cross-lock swivel to the terminal end. When the diver releases, it slides down to the barrel swivel, and (hopefully) your leader is short enough that you can easily get the fish close enough to the boat for netting.<br /><br />Barlow,<br /><br />Where do you get these depth rings? I was at a couple of local shops (one being Gander Mountain :rolleyes: ) and all I saw were those cantankerous Dipsy depth rings. I wouldn't mind adding some if they are as trouble-free as you say! By the way, does that Santa Cruz have a lower helm? Those are nice-looking boats in the photos I've seen, but I haven't liked most Carvers I've looked at in person since no lower helm. My wife and I were looking pretty seriously into getting a "big" boat this spring, but I think we've (or "I've", to her dismay!) decided that we should wait a few more years until we get more of our home projects completed. LMAO at "oil cans"!!! Ain't that the truth?!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

Thanks for the input guys. I guess the easiest way to figure all this out is to just get one and give it a try. <br /><br />Barlow, <br />I'm fishing ocean run stripers. No teeth, just shear size to contend with. Most are in the 25-30# class but there are some brusiers out there to contend with.<br /><br />Farginicehole2<br />As for the leader, I wasn't thinking. I would have to attach it to my running line (30 and 40 lb. Ande)becouse I'm typically running tandem rigs. As for the length, 20-30' is the norm in this application. This allows you to get the angler back away from the transom and gives the "wire" guy some room to work the fish at the back of the boat.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

where you at F2? I could recomend some places but don't know where you are.<br /><br />The '79 Santa Cruz I had did have a lower helm but I rarely used it other to check gauges and stuff... get outa the rain too. It's main purpose in life was fishing so everything not practical to fishing was stripped off of it.. the interior was pretty rough when i got it but my significant other at the time changed that and the curtains pretty quick... damn the horror! nowadays people pay big bucks for the retro look :p . <br /><br />dingbat- never been fishing in saltwater so that's a different animal to this guy. I've watched all I can on TV but, that just ain't the same as being doin' ;) .. the strippers sound REEL fun! and I understand are great on a plate.<br />fish we get out on Michigan range from lil' 1 and 2lb. shakers to 30lb+ kings being the big fish guys shoot for - sorta like 50" length for Musky. <br />If looking to take a different approach the Slide Divers are worth every nickel of the $12 IMHO. ... I've bought things that've found themselves in the garbage right after trying them but I'm willing to bet you might find them to be a good piece of hardware.<br /><br />web link .... http://www.slidediver.com <br /><br />depth chart ....<br />
<br /><br /><br />good fishing all


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

I think he said "stripers", but I've always dreamed of bringing strippers out on my fishing boat! Would be great to pass the time when the trolling action is slow!!! By the way, thanks for the depth chart. I'm going to print and laminate it and keep it in my boat. I'm assuming that these numbers are approximate with a typical salmon spoon (not a dodger/fly combo) and 25-lb mono?


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

:) :rolleyes: spell check error #1,647,291 ... :) <br /><br />well just ask these ladys .. errr .. :eek: <br /><br />
<br /><br />...look a bit on the European side of things .. :p :D


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: A better diver than the Dipsey - Slide Diver!

Yeah, I tend to shy away from ladies that can grow a better mustache than I can!