A bargain ( me thinks) for an Aussie


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 11, 2010
HI All

Found this on ebay- 2X Force 150hp engines ( in pieces). Seems cheap for $400.00, and its a bit of a drive for me, but can I use any of the pieces for my 125h.p? Is it worth getting them for parts?

Here is the link




Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: A bargain ( me thinks) for an Aussie

Well--- It's not two 150 engines. The white one is either a Chrysler or very early Force and it could be anywhere from a 105 up to a 140. Chrysler did make a 4 cylinder 150 but they seem to be a bit rare around here. In one photo I do see a black Force 4 cylinder block. It would be either a 120 or 125 and i don't see a block on the white engine.

If the power tilts work and nthe lower units are OK, you have your money there. Some parts are swappable to your existing 125. Still, it seems a bit pricey for two unknown engines, one or both in pieces.