I stored the boat with full gas tank,as told to do,when I took it out it would only go about 10 mph,so I took it to the boat shop,they clean out the carbs
and charged me 200 buck,took it back out and it still will only run about 22 mph.I usually can get it up to about 27.When I give it full throttle,it cut out and i cant get up on plane without trimmming it up very slowly.I will not take it back to the same boat shop,dont think they know what they are doing,they couldnt even tell me if they replaced the gas filter on it.So,I think first thing I should do is change the gas filter on it,was wondering if you think the gas could have gone bad over 3 months,and I did put stabilizer in it.I am only getting about 4750 rpm at full speed as before I was getting around 5500 rpm..will change the filter,if that doesnt do any good,what next??? Any help would be appreciated.