!988 150xp evinrude problem list


Apr 5, 2010
Need some help guys. Got my motor running and WAS pretty proud Papa. All downhill from there. Last week ran 60 mph, idled perfectly and all was well.
Yesterday.......ouch. Hard starting when cold. Had to keep choking until she decided to run. Ok at that point. Ran like a raped ape out to the fishing hole. Cold starting was still an issue after drifting a bit. Went to another spot and hit a few sandy spots with motor at low speed. All of a sudden no tilt/trim and no starter solenoid action...dead! The solenoid would click occasionally and the relays for tilt/trim hummed and crackled when switch was activated. Finally jumped the solenoid and motor kicked over and tilt/trim worked also. Decided to go back to dock. Outgoing tide and on some serious grass flats.......kinda chewed my way out to deeper water and then......no water coming out of pee hole indicator. Motor got hot. Tilted motor all way up and water was boiling at base of block and exhaust plenum externally. Let it cool and tried starting. A little water started out of the pee hole and gradually got better. Thinking all was ok, I stopped at another fishing hole. Went to start and barely ran. Water was dribbling out of the stbd stat relief hole and dribbling down the head. Water still coming out of pee hole ok. Barely limped it in and kissed the ground!
Top plugs on each head were fouled out. I will check/rebuild top carb....probably all 3.
I put a new water pp in before running it this year....maybe 10 hours on it. I suspect I pumped a bunch of sand through cooling system. How do I clean it out and now that it appears to be pumping, is it necessary to replace impeller?
Drooling stat? Hot...melted plastic parts maybe? I will pull down and check.
I will also do a compression check first thing.
Loss of starter and t/t functions baffles me. Is there a high temp cutout on this engine? I don't see one in any wiring diags.
Any ideas on how to attack all these issues? The electrical thing bugs me the most. Thanks in advance, Dennis


Feb 22, 2008
Re: !988 150xp evinrude problem list

I would put a meter on the main batt cables at the starter post, heck just remove it and scrub all the terminals shiny, look for corrosion and the battery terminals too, see if theres any resistance in the cable.

Compression check might be a good idea in case you popped the gaskets.
Do the thermo's , flush it out and see if it pumps water, if not pull the heads and flush from there, check or replace the deflectors.

For cold start, draw some fuel and check for water in a bottle, empty water seperator ...or install one.:)
If theres water in the tank drain the carb bowls too.


Apr 5, 2010
Re: !988 150xp evinrude problem list

Will ck the cables for voltage drop/resistance. Batts are new, clean and no corrosion.
You say flush the motor....muffs, and turn water on or start the motor also.
Carb.....logical to rebuild? These carbs were rebuilt just before I got the motor. I have a separator and filter in the fuel line and have decarbed, added seafoam to the first tank of gas (a bunch) and run a bit in every tankful for maintenance.

I had 12 volts to solenoid when I jumped it. Why both starter and t/t functions disappeared at same time? I am replacing solenoid also.

Maybe I should take up bowling. At least it is cheaper and on dry land!!!!