98 Kawasaki 750 stx Stalling


Jul 30, 2008
I just bought my first jet ski its a 98 kawasaki 750 stx. I took it for a test run and out once after i bought it and it ran fine. Took it out one day and hit a wave and it stalled, couldnt start it after working on it for about 4 hours i gave up. The next night for laughs(about 24 -30 hours later) i tried starting it and it turned right over no problems. Took it out again and was riding for about 2 hours when it stalled again. No luck in starting it. Tried it the next day and it started right up in the driveway. Took it down to the beach and it stalled when i hit the throttle. Rode it around a bit and i was able to give it more and more throttle after each time it stalled then after about a half hour it started to get worse and then it wouldnt start anymore. Waited another 24 hours and it started right up again. I have knowledge of cars but this is my first jet ski and i cannot figure out what is happening. There is new fuel and oil, new spark plugs and new fuel filter. I cleaned the carb but didnt do any adjustments. Any help would really be appreciated.

Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: 98 Kawasaki 750 stx Stalling

remove the carbs and clean them, including the jets, also replace the diaphragms as they are the main component for the carbs to operate properly,, then bypass the fuel selector switch and go directly to the reserve pick up on the fuel tank, replace all the hose clamps with adjustable stainless clamps , this avoids loose fittings that allow air to be pulled in to the fuel system. be sure the pulse tube is connected and that needs to be securely clamped also.the pulse tube works the fuel pump in the front of the lead carb .