Hi fellow boaters. I purchased a used bayliner jazz jetboat, got it in the water last weekend, and was dissapointed in the engine's power output- I could barely get 35 mph out of it when it should do around 45 I was told. also,seemed to take a long time to plane out. The previous owner said the reed valves were replaced with Boysen reeds last year, and it ran great-- hmmmm. Well, I got it home and did a compression check, all cylinders were within 10#- 140-150#. Replaced the plugs, and the battery was so dead it wouldn't roll the engine. I noticed on the water the volt gauge stayed at 12v if the engine was running or not, and the tachometer wouldn't work. Is the tach is driven by the alternator? would a malfunctioning charging system make the engine run weak? How would I start to track this down? <br />Thanks for your time and input, Darren