97 honda 9.9 upper water seal replacement


Jan 29, 2011
I found after last season i had a leak somewhere in my lower unit. I discovered the upper water seal(below water pump) was leaking around the shaft when i tilted the lower unit upside down. I managed to get the old seal out without too much hassle. The problem has been getting the new seal back on, everytime i start to compress the the new seal onto the shaft into the lower unit housing the bottom spring on the seal pops off. Is there a special tool for installation of the new seal or does anyone have any tricks to getting the seal on properly? Thanks in advance!
Joel M


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 11, 2001
Re: 97 honda 9.9 upper water seal replacement

You will need to carefully pry up that seal housing from the gear housing,inspect it carefully for any distortion and replace it if you see ANY.You do'nt want to do this again ,do you?Install the seals with a little nutlock on the outside of the seal and carefully press or drive them in,becarefull of the little alighnment nubs on that base.Apply a little stress on those seals to keep them in because they will try to pop out.Go to the bar or take a nice nap while that nutlock kicks in the housing.Reasemble that waterpump base with a new gasket and oring,lube the inner lips of those two seals with a generous amount of deccent marine grease.Cover the splines at the top of the driveshaft with something smooth the bag the seals came in might work.Slide that whole assembly over and down and press it into it's seat with your thumbs.