I have a '96 Polaris sl780 - when running, it runs great, very fast. Last week, I was on an island, tried to start it and she cranked slow (as if the battery was dying...) I jumped it off my cousin who was with me, and it fired up. The next stop (about 1/2 later), the same thing, except this time, I could not jump it. Just cranked very slow for about 3-4 tries, then would just "click". The voltmeter was still reading 13 volts, but I bought and fully charged a new battery, thinking the cca was bad. After installing the new battery, the exact same thing occurs.<br /><br />I just ordered a rebuilt starter, but not sure if it is the solenoid. <br /><br />I have lost my repair manual, and dont know where the solenoid connectors are in the box. Does anyone know which I can jump to check the solenoid?<br /><br />Does this sound like a solenoid or starter problem?<br /><br />Thanks for you input.