96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed


Aug 16, 2011
1996 stratos 219f with 150 hp johnson. Trim works fine at rest. When running at wot and trying to get as much of the boat out of the water, id think I could trim up so high that I blow out the prop. In theory, id think I could trim all the way up to trailoring position.....but its like there is some limit switch that wont allow to trim up while at speed. When at rest, I can trim the motor out of the water. Any thoughts/

Will Bark

Aug 1, 2010
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

The tilt rod is not able to lift the engine at wot only the two trim rods can trim you up and when they reach their limit that's it. Someone else may chime in with a way to reset your engine so that you can get more trim out of it.


Dec 17, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

This should give you an idea:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

You can only go so far in trim when under power because of the valving in it. Above explains it all. You can change the tilt rod position but that may affect your out of hole shot.

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

do you guys actually think he ran out of factory trim travel and didnt get into a prop blow out situation????

I cant see how that is even possible..

seem s like he trying to tell us something is PREVENTING him from trimming fully at speed.

the hydraulics on those unit have a LOT of power..they can lift a boat off the ground!!!

I have a hard time thinking they cant overcome the waters force even at 50 -60 mph!!...besides...he is trying to trim WITH the force of the water!!!



Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

None of us are there to see what is ACTUALLY going on. Only taking the op's word.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 26, 2011
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

Here is a page scan(see note 1/3 way down) from my OEM service manual that describes why the OP cannot raise the motor beyond the "trim" range of motion while in WOT mode. I have never tested the system on my J150 to see if it works as engineered, but it has piqued my interest and I'll see what happens next time out.

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

Here is a page scan(see note 1/3 way down) from my OEM service manual that describes why the OP cannot raise the motor beyond the "trim" range of motion while in WOT mode. I have never tested the system on my J150 to see if it works as engineered, but it has piqued my interest and I'll see what happens next time out.

OK now think about what the actuall wording that you directed me to says:

he is at WOT, and his trim wont move past a certain spot

the text you sent me to says, that the motor will not operated beyong low throttle speed once into the tilt range.....well the OP is at HIGH throttle range.... so if he actually went INTO tilt...he would SLOW DOWN.....but thats not what he said is happening.

in reality these issues can become muddled if the trim sending unit is mis adjusted!

BUT if it were miss adjusted to THINK the motor was in the TILT range when in fact it WASNT...then his rpms would drop into the low throttle range.....like described in the text you posted.

I wonder if there uis a feature on the TNT trim wont let the unit work when there is a lot of force on it if the unit is low on fluid...BUT works fine when static....

ie id check the fluid level to start...(but I am saying that is the problem...because i dont know if it is)



Dec 17, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

It is nothing electrical that prevents the unit from running even at full throttle and in tilt range. However by experience I've noticed that 20" legs may be able to go into and lift in the tilt range, provided the engine is high enough on the transom and the prop is almost out of the water when reaching end of trim. (reduced forward force from prop). 25" engines might be more difficult to get up. Most likely if you need to lift your engine (trim) more than the trim range permits, your engine is mounted too low or your transom angle too big.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

It sounds like the OP's motor is operating as it is supposed to. He can test it as follows. Set speed to WOT. Trim motor up until it will not trim any further. No slow down and turn motor off. Inspect trim position. The motor should be resting on the two trim rods. These rods should be fully extended.

BTW -My old Merc could trim under full power all the way up. However, a lot of the newer motors have the two stage trim/tilt PTT units.

bob johnson

Rear Admiral
Feb 25, 2009
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

It sounds like the OP's motor is operating as it is supposed to. He can test it as follows. Set speed to WOT. Trim motor up until it will not trim any further. No slow down and turn motor off. Inspect trim position. The motor should be resting on the two trim rods. These rods should be fully extended.

BTW -My old Merc could trim under full power all the way up. However, a lot of the newer motors have the two stage trim/tilt PTT units.

dont you think he will blow out the prop before he runs out of trim???? and before he gets into the TILT feature of the unit??

thats not good to keep running when you are blowing out the props bite...and probably getting poor water pressure...be carefull

I cant go anywhere near full trim at WOT!!!! without losing bite from the prop, on my boat



Aug 16, 2011
Re: 96 johnson 150 trim works, but cant raise up at speed

Wow. Appreciate all the responses.

Funny thing is, I forgot I posted this and just happened upon it doing a google search....hahaha. never have figured it out.

I just don't seem to get the lift I want. I've never been in a boat before where you can't blow out the prop. 4blade 25p raker on 150hp johnson.