95 seadoo spi dess problem?


Jul 22, 2007
Machine will run for a few seconds then shut down and sometimes beeps while it is running.Ibought a new key and a post on ebay but dont think the post is new.could someone tell me if there is a way to test the post? If you play with the key when its running it seems to run longer and sometimes you have to reset the key after trying to start or if you hit the start button it will just beep untill you pull the key off and reset.Any help would be greatly appreciated please help!!!!!!
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Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: 95 seadoo spi dess problem?

sounds like a bad key and if you change the key it MUST be programmed to the computer or it won't work
the only time a post reader goes bad is if the wires going in the back have corrosion, that is usually obvious with green residue around the wire where it goes in the epoxy,, usually the keys go bad they have little resistors inside and those fail from time to time.