'95 Bayliner Capri - Stiff Steering


Jun 8, 2001
I know this subject has been discussed in the past, but I was looking for some insight into the normal amount of effort required to steer a rack/cable based system. I'm new to boating and it seems like it is just way too hard to steer my boat. I've tried cleaning and greasing the steering rod at the motor (120HP Force if that matters) as well as the grease points where it seems like it would influence steering effort. No effect. I understand the impact of the exhaust snout fin and how the resultant torque will pull the boat one way or another. My problem seems mechanical - it is really hard to steer when the boat is on the lift. A couple of questions:<br />1. How do I grease the cable at the steering wheel end? Do I need to disassemble the rack to do this? Will this even help?<br /><br />2. Is this just how much effort it takes to steer (wife has to use all of her force to turn) or should one be able to steer comfortably with one hand?<br /><br />3. Will installing a hydraulic system (like those offered by SeaStar) help or do I have some other problem that isn't being addressed?<br /><br />It hasn't been a show-stopper type problem yet, but I sure would like to know if there is a way to improve the situation (I'm so jeoulous of all the other guys who can steer one handed


Jul 30, 2001
Re: '95 Bayliner Capri - Stiff Steering

I am also a new owner of a Bayliner Capri with a Force 120 and have noticed the same issue. Have you had any luck resolving the problem with lubrication? It seems to be an issue only at low speeds.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 28, 2001
Re: '95 Bayliner Capri - Stiff Steering

just wanted to put my 2 cents in. i have a 92 force 150 on a 19 foot maxum and from day one it was a hard one to steer. i have found under the steering wheel a set screw that allows some tention in the steering. should be a plastic screw. i use it to put tention on it so the motor doesnt bounce back and forth when its on the trailer and taking corners.<br /><br />Chad


Jun 8, 2001
Re: '95 Bayliner Capri - Stiff Steering

All - <br /><br />The problem ended up being the steering cable. I replaced it and it now works great. While I was at it I replaced the rack mechanism as well. The rack and cable cost ~ $135. I bought a Teleflex NFB (No Feedback) system from Surplus Unlimited online. <br /><br />- Oly