95 3.0gs sx outdrive buying need advice quick


Jun 4, 2011
Hey guys.. looking at a pretty decent aulminum boat with the volvo 3.0gs and the sx outdrive.

The couple originaly wanted 5k for the boat, had it winterized winter before last "fathers boat that passed" they had a marine guy look at it when it was winterized. Said he noticed a small amount of debris in the lower unit when they drained it when winterizing. She told me this info, the boat of-course she said was fine before winterizing.

Fast forward 1.5 years. had marine mechanic come out to get it ready to put on the lake. He said the starter was bad and could not turn over the motor, so he suggested a new starter and new belts. They have decided to sell boat as is. we are talking under 2k, it is a welded aulum. boat that is in pretty decent shape.

Question, if the starter is bad, i assume the motor can not be turned over unless the bad starter is takin off?

What else can i look for? I know i might be taking a risk.... but it seems like a good deal and she has been honest with me so far. We have been talking about the boat for over a month now, she has been reluctant to lower this much....

I did hook up the battery and the trim function worked..etc...so that looked good. Anything else i can do, see,look at..etc.?

The marine tech quoted them 425.00 for the starter... suggested other non essentials that could be updated: prop, bilge pump....

What kinda money would be worst case? meaning lower unit needing rebuilt , motor locked up..etc.. outdrive? I did see the reciept for the winterization... and i doubt they would winterize a boat that had motor /outdrive problems

If everything is fine and all it is a starter and some new belts... this will be a steal... if not??? well the boat should still be worth what i am paying for it...

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: 95 3.0gs sx outdrive buying need advice quick

NON running 15 year old boats are not worth $1500 to $2000.
If all it need is a starter, aftermarket starters can be had for around $150, or they could take it off and have it repaired at a starter/alternator shop even cheaper. Then they could sell the running boat for that price.


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 95 3.0gs sx outdrive buying need advice quick

It's a crestliner welded aluminum boat, they normally sell for 7-10k.

The actual boat, no soft-spots in the flooring. just one rip in one seat. etc..

But i see where you're coming from. Have not been to find a crestliner for under 2k running, or even 5k for that matter