94 Johnson 25hp kill switch problem


Jul 15, 2008
I have an electric start Johson that quit starting as soon as I bragged to my friends how good it had been running this year.

I push the start button and I can hear a little click but no spin of the starter.
I played around with the kill switch position and once or twice got it to spin but not anything resembling reliably. I also got it to start with the rope once but not the second time I tried the rope.

iI got this advice on a different thread I posted to and will try it and report back:
" When you push the starter button does the starter gear come up and make contact with the flywheel? Or do you just hear a clicking noise and the starter does nothing? Either way, take off all the connections from the starter and solenoid and starter switch and clean them really good with a brush and put them back on and try your starter button. Also, have you checked to make sure your battery is fully charged?"


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 94 Johnson 25hp kill switch problem

90% of starter problems are bad connections. remove and clean both ends of the battery cables, so that they are shiney, also the cable from the solenoid to starter. check for nicks in the cables. and make sure the connectors are on the wire good. the cable tend to corrode from the inside out, if nicked, corroded wires, and connections, heat up and cause resistance to the follow of electricity, thus the starter doesn't get enough. you can also take jumper cable pos battery post to large post on starter. with a good connection, the engine should spin. then if the starter is good clean everything and retest. then trouble shoot solenoid. starters can be rebuit at a starter/alternator shop, much cheaper than a new one.

also have the battery load tested at the auto parts store, free, i've had new batteries go bad