First, I appreciate all who contribute to this site. I have learned quite a bit since I found it. Anyway, I know close to nothing about boats (aside from everything I've learned here) I'm preparing to purchase a 94 bayliner 1604 fish/ski that has a 94 Force 70hp. I've read every post here pertaining to this subject but there were a few conflicting Q/A's. This is our first "starter" boat and we wanted to keep it cheap & simple. This boat SHOULD be fine for taking myself, wife, and kids (4,10, & 15) tooling around the lake; fishing, tubing and basic skiing. Our family and my wife's sister's families all take a week long vacation every year. The "sisters" like to take the kids (mostly teenagers) out skiing, tubing, etc. but the speed boat rental cost is killing us. Could've bought 3 boats by now.<br />My question(s)<br /><br />1) Will the motor be enough for skiing with 2 adults (avg weight) and a couple of kids (1 or 2 in and 1 skiing)?<br /><br />2) Will a lower pitch ss prop help out ENOUGH to get the skier up with above "load"?<br /><br />3) 90hp is max. for that boat. Should I swap or keep looking for a different boat?<br /><br />4) I also looked at a 95 bayliner 1700 w/ 95 Force 115hp but it had been "used" quite a bit. torn seats, no top, not geared for fishing, scratches, smelled awful. It was only about $200 more than the 16'. It would cost me hundreds to "rig" it for fishing. The 16' has livewell, pedestal seats and the bimini top. Opinions?<br /><br />I know I'm asking a million questions but I need to move fast, spring is coming up quick and deals will disappear with the snow. Since I'm in Indiana, it's all "slim-pickings".<br /><br />Thanks in advance...