93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
Hi all. My 93 performed really nicely today, but alas after tilting up for trailering going home she would not tilt back down onto the bracket stop...tried going back up, nothing. Noticed a little weeping oil from the seal at the top of the tilt tube. I tried using the manual bleed screw in the side of the tilt bracket but even with that open it will not drop back down even with force....I have looked in the manual and it has not troubleshooting for this problem...any ideas greatly appreciated.

I have not checked the fluid level yet (too late tonight for me!) but it seems odd that even if the fluid is low it will not fall down/be pushed down by me when the bleed screw it turned fully...

Also, what is the best method of servicing the seals in the trim and tilt hydraulics...or is it more cost effective to replace the trim and tilt units with a good second hand or new one...



Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

Do you think it is the tilt & trim that is stuck or is the motor tilt tube bound up


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

The steering is nice and free....I have even tried standing on the leg...does not budge a mm even with the bleed screw unwound.

Could it be hydraulic lock. Do I need to unscrew the shuttle valve holder on the port side and give the other valve a hit with a punch...as per a suggestion on here a while ago?


robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

Maybe your tilt lock is engaged on starboard side of motor?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

Mate - I have tried the screw bottomed out in both positions. And the trailering bracket is not engaged...



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

At the risk of being painful I am bumping this...Rodbolt or another tech has probably had this happen...so I am hoping anyway.

Cheers and thanks.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

Did I say I love this motor...did the above trick. Unscrewed the shuttle valve and took it out and gave the inner valve plate a light hit and with a small pop and some fluid coming out the leg was able to be lowered. Whilst there I got rid of the old fluid which was nice and clean and free of water. I filled, bled, topped up, bled etc until all the air was out and she was running smoothly with no jerkiness and no air bubbling. I then started her and flushed her out...love the sound of the old girl...like a race bike - snarly.

So it was hydraulic lock. I dont know what caused it - perhaps sitting for so long, the valves got sticky. Anyway, she is running smoothly up and down again, so we will see long term.


PS. I just cannot see any reason to 'upgrade' this motor to a new tech for the small amount of running it does per year. I love the simplicity of it (this is off topic of course cause the trim units in each would be the same pretty much...)

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

I'm glad you got it fixed, although I admit not understanding exactly what was the problem, other than a "stuck valve" or something. This seems like a rare issue with the tilt rams being stuck. Good Luck!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 1, 2006
Re: 93 Yammy 115 V4 - tilt ram stuck in up position...

There are shuttle valves that can get stuck - well one in particular. If you look at the rear of the boat and then to the port side there is a large stainless screw under the trim motor...unscrew it and a valve and spring come out - about and inch long in total...then you will see the flat end of another valve - give that one a gentle hit with the end of a punch or screw driver and it will release built up pressure. Since mine has happened I have found that it does happen on this and different brands quite a bit, but 99% of the time the bleed valve (emergency screw) in the starboard side where the fluid reservoir is will let it come down...the other 1% of the time they wont, so the only way to relieve the pressure via the shuttle valves that I speak of above....hope that is clearer mate, because I trust that this post will help the 1% who may search for a solution and the solution is pretty simple thankfully. The problem in the first place was probably lack of use and oil sitting in the shuttle valves, but also trailering on the trailering brackets might have caused some hydraulic locking also. From now on I am going to trailer the motor by buying a trailer keel roller and sliding it over one of the 2 trim rams and just bottoming the motor out on that.
