Motor worked fine then suddenly decided to not start next time I went to use it. It occasionally kicks and runs for under a second before dying. <br /><br />Anyone any ideas on why it won't run? Does this sould electrical or fuel related? Would a damaged coil produce these symptoms? <br /><br />The spark seems fine. I opened up an old plug to 5mm gap and there is a blue/orange spark accross this when plug is well earthed to the motor chassis. Checked stator reistance (82 ohms), Trigger (92 Ohms), Coil primary (0.2 ohms) and Coil secondary (approx 6K Ohms). The primary coil voltage from CDI seems to pulse at approx 100-150V when turning engine over by hand (checked on oscilliscope). <br /><br />I have re-built the carb twice and it seems OK. No visible dirt and washed it out and dried with compressed air. Mixture screw is 1.5 turns out from seated. <br /><br />Also changed the fuel and rinsed out the fuel filter. <br /> <br />Any suggestions, please post!!!!