Well I went and looked at the boat/motor today. The motor serial # ends in a "j" which tells me it's a 1986, not a 1998 model year. I tested the compression cold and got 115, 115, and 120. I primed it, choked it, and it started immediately. Goes into gear fwd and reverse as expected. But........ It started to miss on 1 cyl after running for a little while. If I squeeze the bulb a couple times, it smooths back out. This tells me it's not getting fuel and after it burns the fuel in the bowl from being primed, it's missing.
The motor looks great and comes with guages, full controls, and the boat and trailer. I need to decide if I'm going to go for it and trust I can remedy the fuel supply issue. The owner has a receipt from 3/2014 from a legit marina that rebuilt the carbs, replaced the fuel line, and changed the lower unit oil. It runs fine until it starts missing.
Any thought/idea's/suggestions? Is what I'm describing a sign that it could have been run hot at some point or does is sound 100% fuel related?