9.9 4stroke, engine oil & gearcase oil problems and bits of metal


Jul 18, 2006
First Id like to say hi. I have a 2000 9.9 4 stroke 25" shaft. engine oil changed at last winterization crank case oil changed a few running hours before that during a repair of the lower unit. The boat sat for 3 years in storage. It was put into service a few weeks ago after checking the engine oil but not the lower oil unfortunately.

Now on to the reason for my questions. I noticed on the way past the boat that the lower unit was leaking out of the upper drain plug I thought this was pretty strange as its not supposed to really be high enough to leak from there.

So I grabbed a pan cleaned all the residue out and drained the crank case oil it was a lovely swirl of milky and brown oil. I put it in a glass jar to check for bits there are tiny metal shavings with one or two larger bits less than 1mmx3mm.

I did find a gash out of the plastic washer so Im guessing that is where the water came from even though the dealer was the last one to touch them its possible they werent replaced are there o-rings available instead of the plastic washers?

My big concern is the metal bits they did have to rebuild the lower unit would it have come from the new parts and or leftover from when it failed the last time or is the lower unit taking a dump again (warranty repair before).

It does seem to be running fine now but noticed propeller slipping once when cranking the steering back and fourth rapidly, could this be the thrust washer? There have been no other unusual noises from the tranny. I plan on pulling the propeller but cant find my wrench is the propeller seal accessible from there? I dont have a manual yet. Any helpful hints?

>>>Now for the engine oil, while I was poking around I checked the engine oil or at least tried to but it started backing out of the dip stick hole rapidly so I put the dip stick back in and started to change that oil I used the drain hole instead of pumping it out, it was dark and not foamy but it hasnt been run for 3 days, Im not sure if it had water in it Ive seen water in auto engine oil it was really light and coffee colored.

How does this engine oil look with water in it, is it as obvious as the lower oil? And what would cause it to back out the dipstick hole a bad oil cap, or overfull but it wasnt last week when I checked it.

Thanks again for any help,