I just picked up a nissan 9.8hp motor while at the dump. Someone tossed it for whatever reason. Took it home adapted my tank and started it. Fired right up. Obviously needs carb cleaning. I noticed there is some linkage missing from the gear selector (located on the side). Appears it is a nuetral saftey? Anyone know where I can get parts for this? Also, I need to pull the carb to clean it. While it's out is there anything I can add or do to improve the performance of this thing? I know some you can up the hp but not sure what models or how to tell. I searched nissan 9.8hp but not getting what I need. Seems you can bump a nissan 8hp upto a 9.8hp so Im assumeing thats it for power on this one. Any info is appreciated. I currently have a 97 Merc 8hp 2 stroke. Planning on comparing to see which one Im gonna run on my 12' v-hull. Info/experiance/opinions?