9.8hp Nissan Outboard Stalls in neutural w/ no choke and in forward at low throttle


Apr 30, 2020
Hi everyone,

Went out to launch the boat for the first time this season this past Saturday and had some unexpected issues for the first time. I bought this 2004 Nissan 9.8 hp outboard 3 years ago and it hasnt given me a single problem until now. It starts up just fine on the first pull, and I can get it to start either with the choke on while giving it no gas, or with the choke off while giving it a little gas, but when I let off on the gas or when I take the choke off it stalls out every time. I was able to let it run with the choke on for a few minutes, then take the choke off and quickly put it into forward gear and hit the gas before it died out and I got it going but as soon as I got to where I was going on the lake and let off the gas all the way it stalls out while in forward gear. So basically it stalls in neutral when I take the choke off and also in neutral and forward gear when I reduce the throttle to idle. Any advice on what this may be and/or how to fix it ? I read it may be the iac valve but I'm new to this stuff so I'm not sure. I'm just hoping I can fix it myself without blowing a bunch of $ to bring it in to the shop. Thanks in advance for your help everyone, it is greatly appreciated.


Apr 20, 2008
Whoever told you about the iac is an idiot. That technology is used on efi motors; Your 9.8A or A2 has a carburetor, which it seems, needs a Proper cleaning. Also verify oil is below the full mark.