9.8 110 Merc TELLTALE


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 25, 2001
Hello, it has been a while since I was here but I come to trust this board. I am working on a merc 9.8 66-69 model.. I replaced the impeller because it was destroyed from age. The telltale in the middle of the housing below the motor does not pump water from it, just a faint mist, when I pulled the flush screw on the motor water pours from it, and when I remove the flathead screw on the top right side of the block (facining control side) the water shoots from this port. I am not familiar with mercs, I work on a ton of Evinrude and Johnsons and just think the merc exhausts the water different from the motor. should i assume the screw on the top of the motor is for a telltale or is this another flush port? If anyone could help me make sense of this I would be appreciative. Thanks in advance