9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
I have a problem getting fuel. The engine will run if I pour fuel in the carb. I took the fuel pump off and wonder if there is suppose to be a rod or something going from the pump into the block. I just bought the motor last week.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

no rod pump is driven from pressure/vacuum pulses off crankcase squeezing primer bulb by passes fuel pump moter should run<br />it sounds like a dirty carb to me


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

I have taken the carb off and soaked it in carb cleaner for 24 hrs. The gas goes into the carb by squeezing the bulb. The carb in full of gas but nothing. The carb on this thing is one wierd looking one. Just a low jet screw, how many turns out do I set that? Would the reed valves have anything to do with it. I took the carb off and turned the motor over, I can see the reed valves move, are they working when that happens?

wayne h

Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 29, 2003
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

did u take the carb all apart and blow it out with compressed air after soaking it ? u have to take the whole carb apart even the drain screw in the bottom of the bowl. they are pretty simple carbs. if the motor has been sitting for any period of time i would bet its a dirty carb.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 26, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

remove drain screw the main jet is behind this screw remove and clean that jet<br />set idle jet 1 turn out start motor allow to warm up and adjust jet for best running


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Ahoy, ASA Vet.<br /><br />Welcome to iboats. :) <br /><br />From your questions I think you really need a manual. Once you are oriented to the engine it will be much easier to understand helpful advice.<br /><br />Good luck. :)


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Okay, thanks to you all and the information. I didn't realize there was a jet inside the drain plug. I'll get to that today. Thanks for all your help. Someone here suggested that the pump wasn't working, but I thought that since the bowl was full of gas it should at least run that out. I'll see about getting the manual from here.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Okay, now I got the jet in the drain plug open, the gas goes all the way threw. Still no good. I poured gas in the pickup hole and put it back together. It ran just that gas out. Is there something that is suppose to suck the gas up into the pickup stand pipe and if so what. I notice to little bitty holes inside the carb barrel and the seem to be open. If the are not, do I just get a kit and take out the soft plugs that look like might be behind them on the outside of the carb.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Just checked out the site sent by Wayne, there is one of the bolts #54 shown on the diagram, but not in the parts list. Is this bolt a special one, something diffrent than the others.

wayne h

Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 29, 2003
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

have u taken the carb all apart and cleaned and blew it out with compressed air ? u can usually get the carb apart without harming the gaskets because they are pretty thick. also i hope that u are poring premix down the carb when u are trying to get it start. if u are not doing that u are running the engine dry (no lube) also are u trying to start it in a barrel of water if not u will waist the water pump. if it has been sitting that will need to be changed anyway because they do dry out. i have never had to take out the soft plugs on the carbs of a 9.5 u can usually get all the passages and ports cleaned out with a good soaking and compressed air. did u look at the fuel pump diaphram when u had it off ? look for any rips also look at your fuel lines. if u pump the primer bulb when its running will it stay running ? if so then i would say that u eather have a bad fuel pump or fuel lines sucken air ... let us know how u make out and make sure u use premix when priming the carb


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Been using pre-mix. I took the carb completly apart. Blew threw every hole nock and cranny I could find. Seems like everything is open, I just can't tell about the tiny holes in the throat of the carb. I have looking at the parts site and wondering if one or two of the bolts were diffrent, and had to go in a certain place. If I can't get it run today I will try and see what I can find at a boats shop. I live quite afew miles from any boat store, and with the price of gas these days--well you know.

wayne h

Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 29, 2003
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

i have a few good carbs and fuel pump if u cant find what u need let me know i have a ton of parts for 9.5s since i have 3 of my own


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Sounds good to me Wayne. I got the water pumping out of it by holding the gas hose over the carb and sqeezing it. So I guess the waterpump is okay., I have no Idea how long this motor sat. I got it at an estate sale. You know how that goes. No Refunds. Let me know what you want for a used carb and I will gladly send you the money. I see your from Fl. I have some old army buddies that live there, one live in Clearwater and fishes all the time.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Got it going. There was still a small speck in the lower jet that I didn't get out. Now I have to tune it so it will idle okay. The water pump and all seems to work okay. Thanks for all the information and I will surely keep this site on hand. If I need any more help I will surely keep you fellas in mind. Now I have a 15 horse 1953 to get going.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

Isn't it amazing how a small speck can cause so much trouble? Glad you found it. Good boating.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

still a few bugs in it but I think I can work them out. Thanks everyone.

wayne h

Master Chief Petty Officer
Apr 29, 2003
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

look in ebay for a factory service manual u can get them for about 15 buxs they are well worth it. them motors are great little motors i love all 3 of mine and parts are not all that hard to find i found a few junker motors at yard sales for a few buxs.i am glad u got it going. but i would get a new water pump for it they are like 10 bux and can still be gotten napa auto parts can also order in parts for outboards if the local marina is too far to drive. tune her up she will run for another 30 years. i had alot of carb problems with mine till i started running fuel stabilizer in every tank. no more problems at all not even after the boat sat for 7 months she fired right off after about 5 pulls. good luck and happy boating. this sight is great alot of good people and info here. this is the only sight i know that does not lead u stray with people trying to be out board mechanics. seems like people only reply when they know or had the same things happen. welcome to the board hope to see u around. i also live in the clearwater area about 20 miles north in springhill.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 1, 2005
Re: 9.5 Johnson Seahorse ,1972

I'll check with the napa store here. I live in a town of 500 and we actually have a store. Hopefully the weather will get better and I can get back on the water. Thanks for all the help.