89 SeeDoo Bombardier, 720cc.. NO SPARK


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 10, 2007
Greetings all,
Well, I's like to post another thread on spark issues I'm having with my ski (I'm trying to repair). A little history, Jeff has been wonderful walking me through some checks and repairs. It came to me dead. We focused on the rectifier, unplugging the two yellow wires, and it started. I replaced the rectifier and now it cranks over, but there is no spark on the plugs.

After the rectifier was replaced all seems great. I now have an instrumental light (fuel), which I didn't have before. It cranks over well... Just no spark. I checked the fuse by the solenoid, the fuses up front, and all are good.

There was strange happening, when I put the rectifier in, I checked all the fuses first before cranking, and my 15amp fuse was popped. Replaced that, chanked it over, and still no spark. Rechecked all the fuses and they are all good. ? ? Could the stator be one of the issues?


Jeff Walkowiak

Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2004
Re: 89 SeeDoo Bombardier, 720cc.. NO SPARK

they didn't make a 720 in 89.. isn't this the 97 you were working on??? you need to do a primary and secondary test on the coil,, the climer book tells you the values,, you can also test the timer base ,, that may be faulty.. plus a bad plug on the wire harness is a common issue as is bad ground wires,, further there could be a bad key on the flywheel and everything got out of time causing the ignition to stop working. or a bad mepm or a bad coil. start with the easy things and see what happens.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 10, 2007
Re: 89 SeeDoo Bombardier, 720cc.. NO SPARK

Yes, you are correct, it is a 97'. I will take a look at these circuits. Thanks for your advice on this...
