So, no spark on my port engine the last time I tried to run it in the fall. I did the basic tests to confirm that their was no spark on any of the 4 plugs, and unplugged the key switch to powerpack to make sure that wasn't bad.
I started in on the Output Test as per the OMC manual for testing the Stator, Timer Base, and Powerpack.
While separating the 2-pin amphenol connector from the stator to powerpack in 1st round of test, I noticed corrosion around one wire - turns out it was really not connected, and pulled right out...
Maybe it's an easy fix after-all, but still not sure. I checked for ground (just connected straight to the wire vs thru the plug for it), and no voltage (good).
I then did the Output Test. It says if >175V move to the next step (Timer). If <175, check wiring & connections (fail). I was showing zero volts though. It says if wiring is good, check for ohms (should be 480 +- 50) - which I did, but also got zero.
So I am showing zero juice on the charge coil (stator). Could this be entirely due to a bad wire as pictured? I would think I should see at least some juice despite the corrosion. I am thinking to pull the fly wheel, replace the stator wiring, and do a visual inspection of the stator before proceeding any further to testing the timer base.
Any suggestions or thoughts on what else I should do, test, or try?
I started in on the Output Test as per the OMC manual for testing the Stator, Timer Base, and Powerpack.
While separating the 2-pin amphenol connector from the stator to powerpack in 1st round of test, I noticed corrosion around one wire - turns out it was really not connected, and pulled right out...
Maybe it's an easy fix after-all, but still not sure. I checked for ground (just connected straight to the wire vs thru the plug for it), and no voltage (good).
I then did the Output Test. It says if >175V move to the next step (Timer). If <175, check wiring & connections (fail). I was showing zero volts though. It says if wiring is good, check for ohms (should be 480 +- 50) - which I did, but also got zero.
So I am showing zero juice on the charge coil (stator). Could this be entirely due to a bad wire as pictured? I would think I should see at least some juice despite the corrosion. I am thinking to pull the fly wheel, replace the stator wiring, and do a visual inspection of the stator before proceeding any further to testing the timer base.
Any suggestions or thoughts on what else I should do, test, or try?