88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2004
I was running down the lake WOT and suddenly the motor started dropping RPM and it starting missing. I put a few days into troubleshooting and discovered the faster I go the higher the voltage goes. My finder was on and it was reading all the way up to 16V at a WOT run. Now I pulled the rectifier and tested it per the manual and the white wire I get no ohm readings off of so it appears to be fried. I ordered one online from Browns Point's web site and I hope they have it.....afraid after reading a few posts here that it might be hard to find. Anyway would the missing also come from the overcharging of the system? I am assuming so because its fine up to 2500-3000 rpm but after that it gets real weird and start missing. Any thoughts on the situation? Anyone know if these parts are still made? I will find out tomorrow for sure when they open I guess.


Mar 28, 2006
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

My 115hp suzi does the same, but as far as I know it is the waterflow switch that brings the rpm down on my motor, when I run it WOT with the motor tilted up for high speed and then not cooling enough, I had a huge problem years ago with my waterpump casing that was totally cracked, since that was fixed I always had these little issues with the motor, although these days it seems to run ok .....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2004
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

Thanks for the input. I checked the sensors and even disconnected them on my test runs to totally illiminate them.....and they made no difference. It has to be an electrical issue with mine. The rectifier works as a regulator right? From everything I read it looks that way.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2004
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

Also the other thing is when i started having the problem I found out that the bolts that hold the rectifier in fell out and it was laying against the block. I dont know if that would cause any type of short.....or maybe it overheated from touching the block. Browns Point has a new one ordered and should be here by the end of the week.


Mar 28, 2006
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

spego said:
Also the other thing is when i started having the problem I found out that the bolts that hold the rectifier in fell out and it was laying against the block. I dont know if that would cause any type of short.....or maybe it overheated from touching the block. Browns Point has a new one ordered and should be here by the end of the week.

there's your problem, the rectifier is grounded by the bolts to the motor ... let us know what happens ...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2004
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

I got a new rectifier today and put it in. That fixed the charging problem....but something else must have happened because now I have a high speed miss (over 4K usually is where its noticed). I noticed one plug is black while others look normal. So I switched the plugs and the new one became black. So then I switched the coils and the same cylinder turned the plug black even after switching the plug and coil. Anyone have any ideas on where to go next?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2004
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

I feel like I am talking to myself with these postings.....no one have any input (thank you deejay for yours)? Did I pi$$ some people off here or something? I see other topics getting worked all around me but no one has any questions or suggestions on this?

I have always had luck with getting help here but lately I dont know if the issues I am having are really tricky or no one wants to help me. :'(


Mar 28, 2006
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

Patience my good man, patience, this forum isn't very busy during the weekend, I only have internet access during the week when I am at the office, not sure about anyone else ... also no one is pi$$ed with I'm sure if any one can help they would, just sometimes people really don't know, and with your situation it could be anything ...... try searching the forums for your problem and read through them even with other brand motors, you learn alot from other peoples mistakes ..... anyway .... check your reed valves on that cylinder that gives you the black plug ..... only thing I can honestly think of that might help you .... had a bit of hectic weekend .. ;)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 25, 2004
Re: 88 Suzuki DT175 rectifier

THanks for your reply....I did find the issue. I had a peice of paint (chips off the block) stuck in the high speed jet on the one carb. Just totally strange that the rectifier and the paint chip happened at the same time and were unrelated. Thanks again