Re: 88 OMC Sea Drive 235 HP
I once had a 25' Whaler with Twin Sea Drives (150hp) All in all they were a very good system, BUT (big BUT) when it came time for resale I lost 19 out of 20 prospective customers when they saw these Sea Drives. <br />OMC, like with the Fichts, did not do the necessary R&D work from the get go. Eary Sea Drives where mounted way too low on hulls and the motors would swamp. Later models where mounted higher when they went to 25" shaft and these worked well in my opinion.<br />The main guts of the motors are the same as any regular carb'd OMC outboard. (ie. powerhead, lowerunit etc.) The trim and tilt portion of the motor is what's different, however they use'd the same powertrim and tilt pump.<br /><br />Hope this helps.<br /><br />John from Madison, CT