I just purchased a Lil Hobo which has this outboard on it. Is there a tach output on it? How can I determine if I can hook up a tach to it? Frank in Antioch, IL
Does this contol look like yours?
#50 is the plug for the tach, do you have one on your control box, if so the tach plugs into it. :: iShopMarine.com ::
OMC provides a gray tach signal wire to the control box for running one. It may feed the tach plug that Daviet mentioned, or it may just be curled up inside the control box-depending on the year of the box.
If you don't have the 3 wire plug on the control box as in the parts breakdown in post #2, you are going to have to open the control box and look for a gray wire as emdsapmgr mentioned in his post.
Thanks guys... something to search for when I get back on Sunday.. So sounds like if all I have is the gray wire then I use discrete wiring / resistor / meter then. No problem with that. Thanks for the support