87' John 110 water leaking from lower unit


May 20, 2009
I have an 87' John. 110 that we put a used lower unit on with a new water pump. When we have the ears on it and start it up water leaks out of the mating surfaces of the lower unit, the pitot holes, where the shift lever comes through the mid section, ect. We dropped the lower unit again and put water pressure on the tube running up to the head. We noticed a slight leak from the top flange of that tube, but also a lot of water coming down the smaller cavity that runs through the midsection. The tube was definitely in the pump when we first started the motor. It took about 15 seconds to get a stream from the tell/tell and the gauge for the pump was barely registering.
Am I being a hypochondriac or is there a problem.

Thanks in advance.
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