Welcome to the Starmada, Steve!! If you go back out to the forum thread list, there's a sticky thread called "
Main Starcraft Stickie With Brochures, Past Splashes, Member Map, Rebuilds/Restos". You may be able to find the brochure there after clicking a few links. Are you sure it's not a 16ft? I don't think they made a 15ft SS in '86.
Of course we're all going to tell you to restore it!! That's what we do here.
A lot of guys go all out and do a true full restore scrapping the paint off and building basically a brand new boat. Other's just pick a few things that need to get done. It all depends on your budget and time.
In my case, I want to do a full restore, but don't have the time or money to do it in one year- and I want to fish this summer. So I just picked the things that I felt were safety issues and redid those things (the electrical system and fuel system). Then I might have the money/time to repaint or something next year.
But please, post some pictures of your boat!! :joyous: