I will do this - just read it several times to make sure I understand. It is not pumping water to my satisfaction so I am gonna change the impeller and check the gaskets and pipe linkage. I had to replace the base of the pump when I cooked it the other day, bottom seal was leaking so I replaced the oil in the foot as well.
By the time I get done with that maybe the flywheel puller will be here. With the motor running in the water, prop on in gear, throttle cable disconnected at the motor, butterflies fully closed the motor will not idle down past 1500 rpm. I adjusted the idle mix screws till I got best sound, then opened up till it staggered and then tightened back up till it smoothed out, left it a little rich. I then retarted the timing till the timing lever hit the stator housing and would not go any further. I checked for blowback out the carbs a few times, no blowback. Both carbs sucking, feels the same to my hand. Motor chokes down if I obstruct the either carb with my hand. No leaks detected on carbs, fuel lines or block using pressurized smoke. (other than the small, 3/16 inch brass lined hole on top of each carb). Throttle body not leaking. Butterflies are tight in the throat, looking up at light thru carb there is no light around the butterflies. New enrichment valves, they aren't leaking.
I fooled with the throttle while I had someone else driving, adjusting timing mostly looking for idle settings. But I tried to set WOT max spark also, the motor will not run over 3000 rpm, starts choking, missing, loses power and fuel too rich it appears. That makes me think spark is too advanced, but it is max retarded. All of this makes me sit and stare off into space, and the only thing I can imagine now is that the flywheel has shifted a little, advancing timing a few degrees. I really hope that is the case. If it is a spline tooth that locks the flywheel in place that opens a different case of worms. If you can think of anything else, I have no problem checking it. I am willing and able to follow instructions, spent years trying to fix computers for people who said "Wait, do this! See? It doesn't work!" Thanks for your time.