Re: 85hp suzuki 20mph tops
I have a 17.5 ft boat with a DT85 and it does about 35-40 mph so I know your boat will go more than 20mph. Did I read you correctly that you were able to get it past 20 by playing with the tilt and trim or were you still stuck at 20.<br /><br />If you trim the motor up (tilt it forward) it will push the stern down and the bow up. At planning speed this gets more of the hull out of the water, less resistance, more speed. Too much and the prop starts sucking air, you cavitate, and the motor speeds up and the boat slows down.<br /><br />If you trim the motor down (tilt it backward) it will push the stern up and the bow down. This is good for rapid planning but it tends to dig the bow into the water and puts a lot of hull in the water, more resistance, less speed, harder steering.<br /><br />Also, the cavitation plate, should be about 1/2 or so below the bottom of the hull. If its more than that it will slow you down. If you get it too high you will haved problems with prop ventilation.<br /><br />Best place to start trim is with the cavitation plate parallel to the boat bottom and fine tune from there.