I have a Mariner 115, serial #6527950. It seems to have no power at all above 2000 RPM's. The carbs are clean, timing has been adjusted, stator, plugs and wires have all been replaced. The stator checks out fine for resistance, as well does the trigger. (This according to the Merc Manual) It sounds like a timing issue, as the timing won't advance as the throttle is open. Verified that all carbs are opening the same amount. The high side advance is set to about 19 or 20 degrees. What could possibly be the problem? The compression has been checked, pretty consistant (high of 125 and low of 110). Could the switch boxes or coil packs be the problem? Maybe they're cutting out at higher speed. I need some input. I'm going to be putting the motor up for sale, and would like to have some idea as to the cause of the problem so I can tell potential buyers. Thanks in advance.