83 mariner 3 cly 70hp, selonoid


Jun 25, 2010
i have the above engine, outboard motor, it has type v ignition system. i have the manual for the engine and its not so clear, as the rest. the problem is that my selonoid for starter went bad and i took it off. ordered another to replace the bad. when i got ready to put the new on. i looked in my manual. it says to hook the wires as marked on my selonoid, um, they are no markings on it. or the old. oh shhitt, im hung. the manual wire digram is not clear at all. and the selonoid showing in manual looks different. yes, i know what the selonoid is.. but i cant figure how the wires hook to it. so, wondering it they are a way to tell which wire goes to which post with some tests with a test meter. or if they are a digram that is clear i could go by a link on the web. my selonoid has 2 large posts and 2 small, one small post has a yellow wire/red stripe. this wire comes from switch key. the other small post has a black wire that grounds to the engine. ok the big red postive comes to large post on top of selonoid and a small red wire connects with it it comes from the pigtail connector from switch and goes on to a fuse then the rectifier. a big yellow wire runs from the other big post on the selonoid to the starter. again my engine is 1983 70hp mariner with the v wireing. and it uses a small selonoid the big posts on top run one way the small run diagonaly side by side to the big posts. thanks


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 25, 2011
Re: 83 mariner 3 cly 70hp, selonoid

I belive that the small post under a bigger one will be the same. pull the kill switch and hook the + batt cable to one large post along with the red wire to the recitifer. now hook the yellow-red from the key switch to the small post closest to the +batt. cable. Hook ground wire to other small post. leave the large wire to the starter off and use a tes light hooked to ground and to the other large post. turn the key and see if the light lites up. It should but if not try switching the wires on the small post and leave the rest where they are. When done wireing hook the kill switch back up. Pulling it is just a safety precaution so the motor will not fire up while testing.