81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
i have a 1981 chrysler 115 outboard. the issue is every time i take it out its the same thing. i have about a hour of run time it just quits. does not matter if its a idle or full speed. it runs along fine then its almost like you just turn the key off. when it does this and i try to restart it the battery drains real fast. does not matter if it is a fully charged battery. sometimes when it does this i can drain the carb bowls and clean the plugs and it will fire back up then i got about 5 to 10 minutes then the same thing. i really dont think it has anything to do with the carbs though. sometimes it is hit or miss to. it may die a few times then out of nowhere it will fire up and run fine till i put it on the trailer. and sometimes which is very rare it will not die at all. its really starting to make me mad when it ruins a day on the lake.

please help!!!!!!
thanks robert


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Mar 27, 2009
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

You may have a wonky circuit breaker, or the electrical system has some issues causing the circuit breaker to open. Some later CB's apparently have a reset button, but the older were of bi-metallic strip construction. They are usually located near the lower end of the terminal block on the port side of the block. When the engine dies, you may be able to jump the terminals to see if it will start. Probably unadvisable to continue running - should it fire up - until you determine if the CB or wiring is faulty. Not sure if this will help, but may be worth a try.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

Sounds like maybe a fuel vent problem.
Built in or portable tank?
Built in,the fuel pick up tube could be clogging.
The vent hose clogging??
Ethanol is melting older hoses delaminating the inside of the hose.
Check/replace the squeezie??(bought one yesterday and the cost went up 300%for the new)

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

thanks for the help guys i put a new ignition switch on it and that seems to have fixed the problem. now i have a new problem though. when i took it out yesterday it never died like it has been but i took off from the dock wide open and went about 500 yards and she slowed way down and the rpm will not go back up. just cruises and half rev and about 5mph. getting fuel, air, spark so idk??? the thermo switch is broken on it but that has never affected it befor. i am at a loss and almost ready to sink the dang boat if i dont get it right soon. has new ignition switch, dist., plugs, clean carbs, new cdi box, just had it timed too. im at a loss someone please help me



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 4, 2005
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

have you checked the thermostat it could be that it is stuck in the close pos. I know that what happened to my boat


Jul 12, 2010
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

I'm curious about how you determined it was the ignition switch? The reason I ask is because sometimes my 45 HP will just die out of the blue like you described. At one time I thought it was overheating.

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

i had to do a lot before i figured out it was the switch. first i replaced the battery terminals because my negative side was getting very hot when it cut off and i would try to start it. thought is was bad connections. after that ran better for awhile then started acting up again. then i went with the carb and spark route replaced parts and pieces got a little better but would still shut off. then one day i looked under the dash looking for broken wires or bad connections and i saw that my key switch had a lot of build up and rust on it. so that under right conditions it would actually arc and short the motor. went to auto zone and bought a 9 dollar key switch and things are much better now. boat does not die, battery charges like it should, and it cranks a whole lot stronger now. if your having the same shut off problems and know its not gas, air or spark spend the 9 bucks it may save a lot of pain and money on fixing things that do not need to be replaced.

good luck


Jul 19, 2010
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

Have you put a thermometer on it to see what temp you're at when it does this? Harborfreight has those infrared temp guages for under $30.00 and they're mighty handy to have for us outboard owners. Aim it at the heads, squeeze the trigger and instant temp reading. Just a thought.

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

i have put a new thermostat in it and tried running it with no thermostat. same result will not idle up. i have a feeling it is the thermos switch on the head but im not sure. i dont really know how they work. mine is broke and seperates at the block. it never affected anything befor but i was having other problems at the time. now that everything else is working right maybe the thermo switch is working. idk. does anyone know how those thermos switches work?

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

If you are talking about the overheat switch on the head, it is simply a bimetallic switch that goes to ground when heated above a certain temperature. This allow voltage to flow through the buzzer. It is a completely independant circuit and will not affect anything on the engine--unless wired incorrectly.

Look at the top of the timing tower. Are the plastic adjustment blocks to set distributor timing broken? Either one will cause failure to advance timing with carb opening and the engine will not rev up--in fact it just may stall when you give it gas.

Is the distributor pulley set so that at top dead center the curved line matches the curve in the flywheel? Is the firing order correct--1 3 2 4?

Is timing set to 30 degrees before TDC at wide open throttle?

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

i do not think that the distributor is set right and i have gotten to a point that i am lost. went from running in slow mode to now it doesnt want to start so i figure the timing is out. i have all the other things like compression, gas, air and spark. im lost and dont know what to do. guess its going to the boat mechanic or the bottom of the lake!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

Take it slowly and methodical. Set the top cylinder to top dead center. The 0 mark on the flywheel should line up with the pointer on the block. Now check the curved line on top of the distributor pulley. It should match the curve of the flywheel with the straight line pointing directly towards it. Throttle position doesn't matter because the distributor body moves, when you advance the timing, not the pulley.

Now, check your wires. Remove the dist cap and see where the rotor is pointing ( I think it is almost directly toward the block but these are things I don't usually remember) This will be #1 cylinder. Mark that wire with a single electrical tie. Looking down at the distributor, the next wire in a clockwise direction is #3. Mark it with three electrical ties. Next is #2 again, mark. Final is #4 and you don't need to mark it unless you have OCD. (Obsessive-Compulsive disorder)

Now attach the wires to the correct sparkplugs. Top plug is 1 and bottom is 4. Firing order will be correct.

Look at the plastic blocks connecting the timing tower to the distributor. Are both attached and not broken? If both are attached is there a gap of about 1/2 inch between them?

That engine can easily be static timed. Simply remove the top plug and se the control handle to wide open throttle. Turn on the ignition key. slowly turn the flywheel by hand until you see the plug fire. compare the 36 degree mark to the block pointer. It should be 4 small lines to the left of the long pointer line. If your engine does not have small lines on the pointer, then it should be about 1 1/2 flywheel teeth to the left of the pointer.

Loosen the locknut and adjust the two plastic blocks until you get spark at the correct time. closing the gap will (if I remember correctly) advance timing.

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

i will give it a try

thanks for the help you have helped a whole bunch

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

well thanks for the help frank. things are looking good. took off the distributor and found the guts to be chewed up pretty good. dont think it was the slow mode i think i wasnt getting fire to cylinder 1 or 2 cant remember now. put an new one on from the junkyard today she fires quick and sounds good. putting her in the water in the morning. see how it goes in sunday


81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

well put her in the water today. things started out good then she cut off. im at a loss. heres what i have replaced rebuilt carbs, new ignition switch, new thermostat, new thermo switch, new impeller, new battery cables, cleaned fuel pick up tube, new primer bulb, new distributor, spark plugs, gear oil, new cdi box. i think thats it. these are all since i have had the boat, and thats been about two months and it has done this since then.

im gonna start by rewiring it and maybe a new fuel pump. i dont think it is the fuel pump though because of the way it dies and does not want to restart. any other ideas would be helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks guys

cant fix it sink it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

Check the CD wires where they go under the flywheel. Sometimes they rub abd short out. The breaker will pop and the engine dies as if you turned off the key. Tin can breaker will reset itsely when it cools, the black plastic one must have the reset button on the end pushed back in.

81 charger

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 2, 2012
Re: 81 chrysler 115 dies after running!!!!!!!! please help!!!

i have the reset button on my engine and it has never popped up. any other ideas would be great but i think im gonna try and rewire the dang thing and see if that helps
