Decided to switch my coolant lines around since my log exhaust manifolds stay around 200 degrees (sometimes more) while the engine is around 145-180 and elbows around 180.
By the book, it says to connect the hose to the "front and back" of the log exhaust manifolds (1 for in and 1 out) and 1 hose to the elbow as an outlet.
I had the "gasket/metal plate /gasket" between my exhaust manifold and elbow before. Now just "1" gasket for each side so the 3 paths are open now since the metal plate was blocking it before.
I spoke with the dealer and he threw me the "new generation" way of cooling... He said if i REMOVE the hose that goes into the ELBOW and instead plug it into my FRONT exhaust manifold and REMOVE AND PLUG the back end of the manifold i should have better luck keeping my exhaust manifolds and elbows cooled. Basically this creates and outlet starting from the front of the manifold and going all the way down and up to the elbow for final exit.
My question is if its recommended to use a BOLT and a clamp with a little bit of hose to PLUG my un-used holes since they don't make hose's with one end sealed. I guess that's the only way i have left to go, just worried that it doesn't build enough pressure to shoot the bolt out..
Give me your two cents if you herd about this "change of coolant paths" or know of it. I also was recommended to try to just remove the metal plate from the elbow and manifold area and run my coolant that way. I call differnt dealers and they keep telling me differnt things!! haha. Thanks ahead of time.
By the book, it says to connect the hose to the "front and back" of the log exhaust manifolds (1 for in and 1 out) and 1 hose to the elbow as an outlet.
I had the "gasket/metal plate /gasket" between my exhaust manifold and elbow before. Now just "1" gasket for each side so the 3 paths are open now since the metal plate was blocking it before.
I spoke with the dealer and he threw me the "new generation" way of cooling... He said if i REMOVE the hose that goes into the ELBOW and instead plug it into my FRONT exhaust manifold and REMOVE AND PLUG the back end of the manifold i should have better luck keeping my exhaust manifolds and elbows cooled. Basically this creates and outlet starting from the front of the manifold and going all the way down and up to the elbow for final exit.
My question is if its recommended to use a BOLT and a clamp with a little bit of hose to PLUG my un-used holes since they don't make hose's with one end sealed. I guess that's the only way i have left to go, just worried that it doesn't build enough pressure to shoot the bolt out..
Give me your two cents if you herd about this "change of coolant paths" or know of it. I also was recommended to try to just remove the metal plate from the elbow and manifold area and run my coolant that way. I call differnt dealers and they keep telling me differnt things!! haha. Thanks ahead of time.