77 (?) Chrysler 15 HP Electric Start Outboard

Smiling Bob

Aug 31, 2011
I recently purchased a good running 77 (?) Chrysler 15 HP (Model #158HA Serial #1286) electric start short shaft outboard off Craigslist. Choke is manual and there is a engine mounted push button start switch, there is no starter solenoid sos can't run a forward mounted ignition switch. starting the motor requires going aft. Lanyard kill switch mounted forward near the control will be wired in place of the engine mounted kill switch. The neutral interlock switch is missing. The motor had been converted from tiller to remote with factory accessory parts. The motor has a Magnapower III CD ignition and a rectifier to charge the battery.Came with a plastic Morse 2 lever control box )Not sure of model number,there was a paper lable inside it that was unreadable)with Ultraflex C8 FT12 D51P control cables (each end has a 10-32 thread).


The control cables are too short for my 1957 Crestliner Buccaneer 15 runabout. The motor end of the cables were jury rigged where they attached to the shift and throttle linkage. The throtlle cable and was attached to a electric service panel lug and the lug was attached to the throttle linkage with a piece of solid copper wire through the hole indicated by the red arrow in the following pic.

The shift cable was attached to a homemade clevis and the clevis was attached to the top stud indicated by the red arrow in the following pic. It was secured by a piece of twisted wire. the studs have a 10-32 thread.

From what I have gathered so far the OEM control cables were part number F195/XX foot (same as 33C or 3300 type). The motor end of the shift cable had a F58685-2 connector (with internal spring) screwed on that would attach to one of the studs. Parts lookup I found had no illustration only nomenclature and part number. I would assume the top one (as that was where the homemade clevis attached), and not sure how it was secured. The throtle cable used a FA58976-1 connector. As the stud is the missing on the throttle linkage I was thinking of removing the bottom stud from the shift linkage and reinstalling it in the throttle linkage and secuting to the linkage with a nut. I understand that the remote throttle and shift were a optional accessory on 6 -15 HP Chrysler outboards back in 77. I think I may have found the cables and connectors on ebay Mercury Mercruiser Quicksilver Cable Kit 19' F195 19 New 2 Cables and 1 Part | eBay Could someone with this conversion please confirm and provide a pic of the setup?

I found and downloaded a copy of the factory service manual. Looking for a copy of the owners manual. Also trying to find a maual or info on the Morse control box.


Smiling Bob
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Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: 77 (?) Chrysler 15 HP Ekectric Start Outboard

Re: 77 (?) Chrysler 15 HP Ekectric Start Outboard

It is do-able but you have your engine quick-connects incorrect: The spring loaded quick connect is for throttle so the engine will shift into gear before the throttle starts to move.

You are correct: There is no starter solenoid, the starter switch/button is wired directly. THUS, you could bypass the button and using at least #10 wire put a starter switch in the dash or at the helm.

I don't think it will be easy to find a downloadable manual, but I would be willing to bet that Dave Kain, dave@hurrikain would have one for sale. You may also be able to contact him at The Chrysler Crew

Smiling Bob

Aug 31, 2011
Re: 77 (?) Chrysler 15 HP Electric Start Outboard


Many thanks for the reply compadre.

You sir, are indeed correct as to the throttle cable connector being the one with the internal spring, I mistyped when I was putting my post together. Could I relocate the bottom stud from the shift linkage to the throttle linkage or does it serve a purpose? Would you happen to know of a source for procuring one of these studs? How do the cable connectors secure to the stud?

I purchased my factory service manual from Dave Kain, did not notice an owners manual at his site. I'll double check with him.

I recently joined the Chrysler Crew Yahoo group. Had inquired there about relocating the start switch to a forward location. Franz of Franz Marine replied that "the starter will have to have a solenoid to operate it as the length of wire to the dash would lose too much amperage and burn that little starter up". As per the wiring diagram for my motor one terminal of the engine mounted start switch connects directly to the positive battery terminal via the battery cable, the other terminal connects to the starter through the neutral interlock switch. Not alot of space in the case in which to mount the soleniod, I was thinking of mounting the solenoid in a junction box that mounted to the transom like the old Evinrude motors had. Wiring from the iignition switch would run back to the junction box. The choke is manual, so in order to bring things forward I would need to rig up a Choke soleniod as well, again not alot of space. Could run a long manual choke cable if I could locate one.

Smiling Bob
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