75HP Johnson pulls to the right


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
1973 75HP Johnson on 1970 17 ft. side console Starcraft aluminum, pulls pretty hard to starboard at WOT, shifting weight around in the boat makes no real difference.<br /><br />I noticed that the trim tab was cocked off center to port when I was changing the water pump, book said to mark it and leave it as found so I did but now am thinking that this might be causing the pull.<br /><br />If my geometry is right, it seems that under power this tab sticking out to port will tend to push the rear of the motor to starboard, which will turn the boat to starboard.<br /><br />Should the tab be in line with the motor or slightly off center? I'm guessing a LITTLE bit off center might be a good safety measure, putting the boat into a circling pattern if it should be unmanned for any reason.<br /><br />Expert advice welcomed, as always, and thanks!<br /><br />Jason


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: 75HP Johnson pulls to the right

Your pretty much on the money Jason. When you look at the rear of the engine, the trim tab should be swung to starboard to take the "right" torque out of it. You can pretty much take all the torque out within a couple adjustments.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2003
Re: 75HP Johnson pulls to the right

Excellent, looks like previous owner mis-remembered the setup and swung it the wrong direction on an impeller/pump replacement. Thanks!<br /><br />J