'71Chrysler 55 (Help...Minn)


Jun 19, 2007
Well, I've read thru about 11 pages of woes regarding this engine....
the boatg is also Chrysler....Forward gear is amiss! Neutral/reverse are fine.
What control cables does this take?(I'll have to post the model no# but don't have it with me right now)...It's a single Lever control but the cables (coated)
are in bad shape....the steel is showing thru in a couple of spots and could be the first thing that needs replacing....Other than that, I've read some good posts on how the shift mechanism works (what eurolarva mentioned particularly on 6/16 and Acampora on 6/07 helps alot). This boat was given to my son and despite his lack of interest didn't like trolling around in reverse
(lol)....How much do new cables run($) or where in the Twin Cities(Mn) can I locate a replacement? thnks....

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: '71Chrysler 55 (Help...Minn)

They are standard Teleflex cables with threaded ends You can probably find them right at iboats. Just remember: They come in different lengths. Measure your old cables and if they are not an even foot, round up the the next foot. It won't hurt if they are a little long, but if they are too short, they will have a lot of resistance and cause shifting problems and hard throttle. So err on the generous side. You really should have a loop in the engine splash well. They are not too expensive: I think around 40 bucks. If you want to buy local, try any marina--if they don't have them, they can order them.


Jun 19, 2007
Re: '71Chrysler 55 (Help...Minn)

Cables will be at least the place to start....thanks much!!
the Model No# is shown as 456HH....(one connex plate at the cable end in the engine is stamped 1972 but don't know if that's the year or other ref no#/part)


Rear Admiral
Jun 24, 2003
Re: '71Chrysler 55 (Help...Minn)

456HH is a 1975 45 HP motor. Not sure where you got that number but if it came off the powerhead you dont have a 55HP motor. You may have parts from a different motor where 35,45 and 55 hp had a lot of similar and interchangable parts.


Jun 19, 2007
Re: '71Chrysler 55 (Help...Minn)

things are looking up...W've studied what was happening when the throttle was put in forward from neutral.....the vertical turning shaft with the ears (above where the mechanism is pushing the shift rod down down) doesn't have that mechansim ear backed down to it to stay in forward. A gap or space is left below the ear allowing it to pop out of forward. A friend said that if it doesn't back up to the ear to keep it in gear it will always pop out of gear (no gap should exist).
A picture is worth a thousand words to explain this of course..but still am
believing the play in the cable is causing this as the bottom one is not moving in sync with the top one when moving into forward....when we were out on the lake a quick push on the bottom cable toward the engine made it engage but without this ear directly backing it up it would eventually pop out of gear...that gap is causing it I'm sure...the prop appeared to stay in gear with this ear holding the mech down in place...(no gap)..this is a great place to start reading and doing troubleshooting!! Many thanks for the reads everyone even if I'm just "trolling" thru them...