71' 25hp evinrude


Jun 20, 2007
Ok.... I put the following on the motor: points(.20) 1 coil, and new condensers. I rebuilt the carb new gasket needle and seat. Oh, I adjusted the float a tad to 1/16 over the gasket surface(manual said this is settiing)
I went to start it and it ran fine for a minute or two and I shut it off and it wouldnt start.So I adjusted the throttle cam? It starts up now what could of changed. This motor use to start on first try,but develooped a small miss at WOT so I thought I would go over it since I never have...what is the purpose
of the screw where the tiller gear conacts to all the linkage.Looks like some kind of a stop screw????Sorry so long Thanks


Jul 18, 2007
Re: 71' 25hp evinrude

Howdy, welcome to iboats.:)

You shouldn't need to worry about the stop screw on the tiller gear. Since your motor started on the first pull before you rebuilt the carb., I'd put everything you changed back like it was to start with, and take one thing at a time. If it won't start on the first pull, do a spark test with a real spark tester ($6 from autozone), and verify that each wire will produce a blue-white spark at least a 1/4" long on the tester. If you have good spark, then squirt some fuel/oil mix into the carb throat. IF it starts, you're not getting enough choke, your idle jet is blocked, the float needle is stuck, or the float is misadjusted.
Hope you find it,