I have a 1988 3 cylinder 70hp Mercury, that idles really badly. I'm new to Mercuries, so I'm not sure what is normal.<br /><br />When cold starting I have to keep the rpms up to about 2500-3000 and play with enrichment at the same time. If don't do this it catches and dies over-and-over. After about 2 minutes or a little more I'm able to ease the idle back to about 1800. When I go for forward or reverse its about 800 to 1000 rpm. There seems to be a lot of kicking and sputtering, and I have to rev the engine in gear to keep from stalling. If the engine has been running 20 to 30 minutes, at cruising speed and then it is brought down to idle, it really wants to kick and starts missing.<br /><br />As far as cruising, its got lots of power and the boat planes out very fast.<br /><br />Any ideas, suggestions?<br /><br />David