Re: 70 HP johnson 1984\Ropestart
Starting a high powered outboard is a science but not difficult.
1 - Pump the fuel bulb up hard.
2 - Depending on the engine model, open the fuel primer valve (turn the red lever so that it points away from the solenoid), OR if so equipped close the choke butterflies.
3 - Apply a slight bit of throttle, just slightly higher than idle.
4 - Key in OFF position..... Pull engine thru three or four times to prime.
5 - Return the primer RED lever to its original automatic position, OR open the choke butterflies.
6 - Have cord installed so that the handle is at a conferrable location to pull.
7 - Key in ON position .... Pull cord quickly and straight thru. DO NOT hesitate once you start pulling.
Hesitation is dangerous. A backfire could occur that would yank the puller over the transom. Never seen it happen but I've been told by reliable factory reps that it could.