Re: 70 hp Chrysler No Spark
Kewl... Glad to hear that Smokn!
and don't look at that time as wasted.... look at it as time spent learning
Dan, any and all input is appreciated!!
Static timing is good, that's a no brainer. Just need to know what the timing spec is for this engine. Point gap (dwell angle) adjustments affects timing, so yes, I need to set that correctly first. And while a timing light is the best way there is another way when working with point triggered ignition. Simply align your flywheel timing mark with the mark specified by ignition timing, then rotate/adjust the distributor till the points just break, which can be detected with the ignition off using an ohm meter or a test light. The engine is now timed to what ever you have the flywheel mark aligned with.
In brief, about me... Certified Master Automotive Tech, Factory Certified Master Acura Tech (since 1987), Certifed Diesel Tech and a Certifed Parts Specialist, and that's only the civilian side...
Just fairly new to boats and don't want to spend $30+ on a service manual that I don't need right now just to get ignition specs.
So again, any and all help is appreciated! It just solidifies or adds to my knowledge base