I've got an older 7.5 - 4 stroke, that has run great since I've had it for the last 10 years. In the last year I've been having carb problems. It still runs just fine, however I've been getting gas in the oil big time over the last month. I've pulled the carb off and looked at the needle valve and to my untrained eye it looks clean and ok. <br /><br />When I run the engine, I get hit and miss sheens of gas or oil behind the boat and it smells pretty rich when it runs. Does run fine, and the plugs don't seem to be fowled ever. <br /><br />Did take it into the dealer last year, and he gave me a bunch of greif about how I shouldn't mess with my carbarator settings (and at that time I hadn't..). Well after spending money on him and having more problems I thought I'd fix it my self... Not to mention I've work on other carbs before...<br /><br />Anyway I can adjust the needle all the way in (till I can't turn it any more), and the motor still runs. Shouldn't this kill it? So is my needle valve bad, or did the dealer put too large of a spring on the needle so I can't turn it in far enough??<br /><br />Read the other post from "rwise" saying 1.5 turns out from all the way in, but it seems like I'm still getting the over flow of gas into the crank case. So I assume I'm letting to much gas in? <br /><br />Or then again, maybe the float is stuck, how do I check that.<br /><br />Thanks for any help you can give,<br />fr