6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 12, 2009
I am getting a Tohatsu for sure, the question is which one?

Price is an issue and the 8HP is pushing it. The boat is a 12' skiff, Tri-Hull approx. weight of about 230lbs. I weight about 145lbs, add a little bit of gear. My real question is will the 6 get it on a plane? Not too worried about the speed or mph reading, but I want to be able to not sledge through the water. I also had a question about the weight and prop I should be using, and usage concerning throttle. The 8HP is 2cyl, so does that mean is will last longer? If I run the engine at 75-100% throttle fairly often, will the 6HP die one me quicker? I am just really confused which one to buy, as the 8 is 25% more HP, but also a little more difficult to manage as I will be taking it off when not in use. Does anyone have input other than "get the bigger one"

For those wondering, the boat is the Riviera Caprice 12ft, which originally was rated at 10HP MAX, now has a rating of 18HP MAX. Videos on youtube show one running with a 15HP and he is probably getting up to 15-20mph. Again, speed is not an issue, thought getting on a plane at 10mph would be nice for certain. Any info would help, as I would like to purchase this weekend.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 14, 2012
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

I know you told us the weight you'll be carrying but it just seems to me that we all end up adding more than we think we will. I'd get the 8 just because than I'd be sure I'm going to get on plane easily all the time. Two cylinders do seem to run with less vibration than one and running a 8hp at less than WOT will last longer than a 6hp wide open all the time. IMHO


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2011
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

I know you said the 8hp was pushing your budget but the 10hp is the same block/drive with 2 extra ponies and usually only a little more $$. If you can hold out a little longer and save up a little more in the end it will be worth it. The weight issue between the 6 and 8/10 is up to you if you can handle the difference. The 8/10 is getting up there if it is going to be a portable. I suggest you go to the store and try lifting the two. Then go home and go back and try again. Always feels different the second time.
I think the 6hp will be marginal to get on plane but no experience. Maybe someone else will come along soon who has a similar experience.
Definitely shop around if $$ is an issue. Some marinas price gouge.. I am sure you are aware of this.. :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 12, 2009
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

I am probably going to use and online dealer. I was really wondering about the planning issues with the 6, or the weight of the 8. The 8 and 10 seem to be same weight, but the extra ~$200 is a bit much for me. The 8HP is really a little above the limit, but I think I can squeeze it. My money situation wont be any better in the near future so its really between these two. At 81lbs I am nervous to get the 8, but not being able to plane with the 6 gets me just as nervous. I will def be adding more weight to the hull occasionally like when I go island camping, but when I do, I wont be concerned with planning. More or less just getting to and from the island with fishing in between.. Price quotes I have been getting from dealers and marinas recently are all a few hundred above what the sites mentioned are offering.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2011
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

If money is an issue what about used? A 2 stroke 8 or 10 will be most likely be lighter, depends on the brand and model but generally 2 strokes are lighter then 4 strokes. Either way check CL or ebay.
btw a 10 hp johnson is about 65lbs which is pretty close to the weight of the tohatsu 6hp.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 12, 2009
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

My last two used engines left a sour taste in my mouth. I got good deals on them, brought them in for service, maintained them. Either they were lemons, or the service guy kept screwing with me. Got stuck about 2 miles out in the everglades twice, and left floating in Biscayne Bay a few times. I dont know enough about outboards to know a good used one from a bad one. Last boat I had a 25 Yamaha on it bought brand new, and never failed me. Never even gave a hiccup. I know once you get them up and running, a 2-stroke can be great, but Id rather be on the water than in the garage (aside from working on my 77 Yamaha RD400 2-stroke motorcycle). Plus the 5 year warranty on the Tohatsu makes my mouth water.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 9, 2011
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

I hear you. Sometimes when you buy used you just bought someone elses problems.
Even though you might be buying from an online store I still suggesting physically picking them up to see how manageable they are. If you have a pickup it isn't so bad throwing it in the back but if you have a car trunk it is hard to lift almost 90lbs out.
Also note that Nissan and Mercury are just rebranded Tohatsu's so you can get an estimate on weight. They are usually a little more $$ but maybe on sale. I like the merc because you shift into gear in the throttle. I have no brand loyalty just trying to give you ideas.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

If you are going for a 8 HP Tohatsu, better go straight for the 9.8 HP. Both 8 and 9.8 are same 210 CC and 81 Lbs. Although the 9.8 should cost tad more it's worth the extra $ price difference. Will have more engine punch, move sib at better speed and bigger loads than with same detuned 8.

Happy Boating


Apr 20, 2008
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

Yep. The MFS4/5/6 is very reliable, and will last many years, but probably will struggle to get you on plane. The 2-cylinder MFS8/9.8 will be a lot smoother, and will definitely get you there. As Luis noted, the 8 is just a 9.8 with a smaller carb (for applications that are limited to less than 9.8). Also, it is generally accepted to not go smaller than about 80% of the max rated HP if you are expecting good performance. The 8/9.8 will weigh in at about 81-1/2 pounds in a short, rope-start model. Although this is the lightest motor in its category, it is pushing the limits of "portable".

In any event, I never advise a customer to buy an 8, unless the boat cannot legally accept a 9.8. Likewise, I never advise a customer to buy a 4 or 5 (instead of a 6) -- the 4/5/6 are identical motors, again with different carbs -- unless their boat HP placard requires it.

Mercury now offers a Tohatsu-type shifter kit to convert back to the original design, because the shift-in-the-throttle system can be problematic and unreliable. Tohatsu never did put the shift-in-the-throttle feature on their own brands, because Tohatsu's mantra is Reliability.

There is no reason why a local dealer can't match a mail-order house. (We do.) If you should have a [rare] warranty repair down the road, know that the mail-order place will abandon you, and send you to the local dealer anyway, so mention the price sensitivity of the project to your local dealers, and see if they can work with you.

I'm very familiar with your hp/weight decision: I had a customer buy a 9.8 for a similar setup, and he was very happy with it... However, he suffered a back problem (from an on-land accident), and was then forced to trade-in his 9.8 for a lighter-weight 6. The 6 ended up being his only option, but he really preferred the 9.8. So, if your local dealership has a demo unit, or a used one, try one or both sizes on the boat to decide which motor will be adequate for you -- both in terms of weight and performance. Then you will know for certain whether the 6 is adequate, or whether you need the 9.8. Assuming that you have a local dealer who can help you with a demo/loaner, that value-added service alone may well prove to a good reason to buy locally.
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Feb 13, 2009
Re: 6HP or 8HP tiller for 12' Skiff?

Aside from better planing performance, the extra horsies can be a lifesaver - literally - if you need to take evasive action or suddenly have to deal with a wake from a barge or drunken lunatic pleasure boaters. And, if you need to tame some rougher water, that extra torque plus a careful hand on the throttle can make a ton of difference. Bad conditions and situations can seem to make an outboard shrink right before your eyes.

And, as already mentioned, one's rig tends to end up weighing more than they realize. Buy once, cry once, I always say. For every person I've seen lamenting the too-big motor they bought I've seen a hundred lamenting the too-small one.