68 Johnson 20 HP. Before I fire her up questions


Apr 29, 2008
I am just about ready to do my second barrel test on my 68 Johnson 20 HP (FD-22). I did have a couple of questions first, though:

1. When I acquired this motor, I discovered that the lower unit had been filled with grease instead of gear lube. I have been told to clean it by running Kerosene or a kerosene/oil mix in the LU, draining it, then filling with just regular LU oil. Any recommendations? If you run the kerosene/oil mix, what is the mix, and what type of oil?

2. I am hoping that I will actually get the motor to fire up this time (after having replaced coils/points/condensers and re-cleaned the carbs). Will I cause any harm to the lower unit if I try to start the motor in the barrel without any oil in the LU if I don't engage the gear? In the event that the motor does not run and I have to trouble-shoot further, I didn't know if I had any problems leaving the LU filled with the kerosene/oil mix. I thought the safer course would be to just leave the LU empty until I am sure the motor is running, then do the cleaning with the kerosene.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 68 Johnson 20 HP. Before I fire her up questions

do not run that motor with out lube in the lower, drain what you have in there, and install the proper lube. the drive shaft turns in the lower when the motor is running. besure you have the barrel full of water, and keep the hose running, to keep the tank full, as the exhaust is going to throw water out. make sure it is pumping water, mist, droplets, out the holes on back of the leg, (exhaust relief ports).


Apr 29, 2008
Re: 68 Johnson 20 HP. Before I fire her up questions

do not run that motor with out lube in the lower, drain what you have in there, and install the proper lube.

Thanks for the response.

That is part of my problem. You ever tried to drain automotive grease? Need to get the grease out of there first. Is the kerosene/oil mix going to work for that? If so, should I make it a 50/50 mix?



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 68 Johnson 20 HP. Before I fire her up questions

they make a pump for putting the lube, in the lower unit, walmart carries one. would, take the drain and vent plugs out. put a pan under the lower unit, one of those disposable, aluminum roasting pans, get some kero, or diesel, and use the pump, to try to force some into the lower unit, while turning the prop so the gears mix it. once you get most of it out. i would fill it with kero, and start the motor, put is in gear at idle for a minute or so. then drain, and see what you get. repeat if you have to. then refill, be sure when you do the final refill, to put new sealing washer on the drain and vent plugs.