66 9,5 problems

May 9, 2010
i was going across the lake today and out of no where my motor started missing and now will not go full throttle unless i hold it real tight. it will idle ok but still misses and chugs a little. it seems like the timing if off? anyone got any ideas?

the machinist

Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 7, 2002
Re: 66 9,5 problems

First off, I would pull both spark plugs & check to see if one is fouled. Sounds like it is only running on one cylinder. Plugs are relatively cheap, replace them & see if that helps.
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Thanks. I pulled the plugs but haven't changed em. They both looked good. I plan on replacing them anyways. I did notice the bottom plug wire is rusty lookin inside the cap. The top one looks brand new tho. No sure what's goin on? Could the plug wire be shot causing it to not run WOT? Also what size plugs should I get. I don't think the ones in it are right.
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

So I got on you tube and looked up a video. Its the same motor and boat size I have. Same setup I have on my boat and everything. Except his was flyin and would have smoked mine. I thought mine was runnin slow but till I saw the video wasn't sure. If its only runnin on one cylinder coul that cause it to run fine for two days straight then just all of a sudden out of no where start acting up? Also I believe the bottom sparkplug wire may be the cause of all this. Would the motor still run good even if one spark plug wasn't gettin what it should? Or am I missing something here. Any ideas are appreciated as always cuz I'm just flustered and don't have/want to put a lot of money into it if I'm wrong. Thanks alot

Midnight Krawler

Seaman Apprentice
Sep 30, 2008
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Got to pull the fly wheel. Check all the coils for cracks replace them if they are. check/replace the two set of points 0.010 gap.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Well, I say fix the obvious thing first!! You obviously have a spark plug wire in need of attention. Yes, that can cause the problem you are experiencing.
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Well looks like I'm gonna go rent a harmonic balancer puller then haha. Thanks a lot forthe help. And it says on the flywheel to set gaps to .020. So ill try that. Ill let ya'll know soon how it turns out. Thanks again
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Well I took the flywheel off and what do ya know? One of the points was completley shut. I gapped it to .020 and made sure the other one was good. And put it all back together. Fired it up in a bucket and still has a little cough when its cold but ran good and I'm gonna take it to the lake tom and see how she does. Thanks for the help guys
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

I took my boat to the lake today and it is not runnin good at all. You have to play with the choke like its gettin to much air or not enough fuel and still won't go full throttle. Its definately gettin spark on both cylinders but why won't it go wide open and is there any air fuel mixtures on these carbs? I don't see any? Any help would be great thanks
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Ok guys I gotta get my boat runnin by next weekend. What its doing. It will shift fine. Idles fine. Pumps water fine. Reverse it will go wide open throttle. Idle it will rev up perfectly. When I put it into forward it only goes half throttle like the timing isn't advancing. Although its advancing fine. Any ideas? I need this going by next weekend to take my niece and nephew out on the lake. Please please help! Thanks everyone and happy fourth!!!


Mar 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

did you trim the sparplug wires back 3/8" or so before you twisted them back on the new coils?...did you trim the sparkplug wires back 3/8" before you replaced or reattached the terminal ends and sparkplug boots?...can you run the motor in the dark and check for arcing from the wires to the block?...you might get by for a while w/o replacing the wires but, if original, they're 45 years old..that's asking a lot for the environment they operate in.
May 9, 2010
Re: 66 9,5 problems

Its got great spark. Would bad plugs or wires stop it from goin wide open in forward but still go wide open in revverse?


May 16, 2011
Re: 66 9,5 problems

stay with the basics, fuel, spark and compression. just because you see spark at the plugs dont mean its strong spark, a motor will run with a gunked up carb, but not well, and will run with stuck rings/low comp....but not well. how old is the fuel line? what make of plug are you using? as far as wide open in reverse as compared to forward........props arent made to perform in reverse, they cavitate and wont put much load on your motor, do your troubleshooting, .......and dont go wide open in reverse.....unless its a panic situation.