What do I do?
Here is the deal, I ran it damn good last week and drained out some water in the oil when I got home and changed it.
This is a backup motor and will likely only be used to get me home 6 miles or so in an emergency. If I keep it full of oil will it make it home if I had to use it and was getting some water in? This question assumes the repair is a PITA or expensive. If it is neither I'll fix the ol girl up, ran fastastic...
Here is the deal, I ran it damn good last week and drained out some water in the oil when I got home and changed it.
This is a backup motor and will likely only be used to get me home 6 miles or so in an emergency. If I keep it full of oil will it make it home if I had to use it and was getting some water in? This question assumes the repair is a PITA or expensive. If it is neither I'll fix the ol girl up, ran fastastic...