65hp engine running rough need help!


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 14, 2006
I posted the other day that my 65hp '73 evinrude is running rough at idle and even worse with load. I've checked the compression on all 3 cylinders and they're at 110 each. I also checked and all 3 plugs are putting out a spark (though I didn't check with a spark tester). To determine if it's a fuel or air issue affecting all of the cylinders rather than an issue with just one, I'm wondering if I should pull one plug at a time to see if each time I do that, a cylinder drops out. If the problem is only with one cylinder, when I pull that cyilindrs plug, I figure that I shouldn't hear a change in the engine. On the other hand, If each one drop out when I pull it's plug, then I figure that they're all probably firing the same and that the problem is before the carburetors ,and that I probably need to focus on fuel,pump and fuel line issues. Does this make sense? Is it bad for the engine to do this? If not, should I just pull the wire off of one plug at a time or should I actually pull the plug out? Thanks for the help.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 19, 2005
Re: 65hp engine running rough need help!

do not take the plug out while it is running just pull the wire this will tell you which cyl is the one that is acting up. If no chage that cyl is either not fireing b/c of too much fuel, not enough or has no spark. if you pull a plug out while it is running it will have absolutly no compression and you may catch on fire as the fuel is blown out of the spark plug hole, it may ignite fron the spark plug wire!


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 14, 2006
Re: 65hp engine running rough need help!

Yikes! Glad I asked. Okay, so if no change then its that cylinder, but where would you next look if there is a change with each cylinder? That means that all cylinders are firing similarly...correct?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: 65hp engine running rough need help!

that means all are firing. your compression is good, so you need to tear down carbs, throughly clean remove the jets, and core plugs, and reassemble with rebuild kits.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 14, 2006
Re: 65hp engine running rough need help!

...but if all are firing similarly, wouldn't that indicate that gas is flowing through all 3 carbs equally and something else is going on before the carbs? It's kinda hard to believe that all 3 carbs would act up at the same time isn't it? And the engine was running fine all day Saturday. It was a short time after restarting after a swim that I notice that it was running rough.
