65 HP merc sparking at battery and ignition module


Apr 20, 2002
65 HP merc. Not started since bought. All wires had insulation rotted off. Replaced all bad wiring with new one at a time. When I reconnect the red wire to the ignition module it sparks at the battery. When I remove the red wire from the ignition module and connect the battery, no spark at battery. I have 12 volts at the white terminal when red wire to ign. module is disconnected and battery connected. Please help. Is it possibe I have a bad ignition box and if so how much green am I gonna have to shell out for one? Serial number on motor is 2164847. Also it has the thunderbolt ignition.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 18, 2002
Re: 65 HP merc sparking at battery and ignition module

Not sure if you have a problem but most modules have a capacitor in there to store power like a battery and will spark when first hooked up. Should not spark hardly after that when capacitor is filled up and will discharge after a time. <br /><br />This could be what is happening and is freaky when you hook up the wire to it when all is turned off and it pulls power. If you have a big zap something is amiss! Find the short/bad part.<br /><br />Just in case it is simple, but I do not know how much power you are sparking.