Re: 6 HP carb jets
Chris,<br /><br />You have a 1965 6HP there. You say the motor was rebuilt...rebuilt how?? New pistons, rings, powerhead seals?? Carb rebuild?? Sounds like a flooding condition. Remove carb, remove lower bowl. Check to see that the float needle valve is sealing and at the right height (invert bowl, float should be level with edge of bowl.) Clean with carb cleaner, blow out passages with compressed air. Check compression and look for strong blue spark from each plug wire to powerhead. Check thermostat, replace if it's missing or faulty. Check point gap and look for cracked coils. Do a link and sync of carb linkage. Close low speed idle valve, open 1-1/2 turns, start motor, when warm, start closing low speed idle valve in 1/8 turns, allowing 15 seconds between adjustments until motor starts to run rough (too lean). Open valve at bit (1/4 turn) to produce a steady, smooth idle.